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Kursu no livru lian-Inglés online no gratis!

Writer's picture: KirstySwordGusmãoKirstySwordGusmão

Ha'u-nia "post" kona-ba kursu lian-Inglés husi Kings College London dada interese husi ema barak. Nune'e ohin ha'u hakarak fahe info seluk kona-ba kursu online ida tan, hamutuk ho fonte livru sira ho lian-Inglés hodi ajuda ha'u-nia alin sira iha Timor-Leste atu aproveita tempu izolamentu sosiál ne'e.

Aprende Lian-Inglés “gratis” ho USA Learns (website edukasaun 100% gratis): Se Ita hakarak aprende Inglés online, entaun bele rejista ba kursu ida-ne’e:

Instrusaun mak hanesan tuir-mai ne’e: 1. Klik iha “Start Now” 2. Preenxe enderesu email, naran no kria palavra passe (password) ida - tenki uza letra ka númeru 6 3. Hakerek fila fali Ita-nia palavra passe (Confirm Password) 4. Klik iha botaun “Register” 5. Tuir mai presiza konfirma Ita-nia email - cek Ita-nia “inbox” email nian no klik iha “link” ne’ebé Ita simu 6. Bainhira Ita-Boot klik iha link ne’e sei mosu pájina ne’e: Your USA Learns Account Was Confirmed 7. Agora klik iha “sign in” hodi tama iha kursu ne’e 8. Iha pájina “Student Sign In” klik “sign in” 9. Iha “First English Course” nia okos klik “Start Now”! Sorte di’ak no aproveita didiak Ita-nia kursu lian-Inglés! Se karik alin sira buka fatin hodi lee livre barak ho lian-Inglés hodi hadia Ita-nia vokabuláriu no komprensaun, entaun hakat ba site ida-ne'e:

Iha link leten ne'e, Ita bele hetan livre 7 ho lian-Inglés ba Nivel EB Siklu Datoluk.

Livru sira seluk bele hetan online iha:

Hakoak boot,

Mana Kirsty

PS - Keta haluha vizita ha'u-nia pájina iha Facebook:


A WOI.jpg

"A Woman of Independence"

ISBN: 9781742624020
Format: eBook
Pub Date: 10/11/2007
Category: Biography & True Stories / Biography: general
Imprint: Macmillan Australia
Price: $16.99

"Alias Ruby Blade"


Feature Documentary Film (2012)

Using astonishing footage of the years-long resistance, director Alex Meillier presents a highly personal account of the courage needed to create a new democracy in modern times.

You can buy "Alias Ruby Blade" on Google Play Movies, YouTube as download or rent it on Google Play Movies, YouTube online.

About Me
I was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1966. As a student of the Italian and Indonesian languages at Melbourne University in the 1980's I became aware of the plight of the people of a small half-island called East Timor. A colony of Portugal for 500 years, East Timor or "Timor-Leste" was invaded by its huge neighbour, Indonesia, in 1975. It's a long story, but like many Australians and other citizens of the world, it made me angry and sad to learn that my own government aided and abetted that invasion in order to gain the upper hand in negotiating access to oil and gas reserves in the Timor Sea, just north of Australia. At the cost of a quarter of a million Timorese lives. I decided to do something about it. And I still am today. 

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