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Hakarak aprende Lian-Inglés (nivel báziku) ho ha'u?

Writer's picture: KirstySwordGusmãoKirstySwordGusmão

Updated: Apr 26, 2020

Hi, kolega sira. Se Ita hakarak aproveita tempu iha uma durante periodu Estadu Emerjénsia relasiona ho krize Covid-19, ha'u konvida Ita atu tuir ha'u-nia kursu lian-Inglés báziku ne'e liuhusi Google Classroom. Hodi rejista, iha opsaun rua:

1) Klik iha no tuir mai tama (sign-in) iha Ita-nia konta Google pesoál ho enderesu email no Password; Klik iha + "Join Class" no hatama kódigu klase: p4lijan

2) Uza janela Chat (haree iha okos liman loos) hodi fahe Ita-nia enderesu email mai ha'u no ha'u sei haruka "link" ida ba Ita hodi fó asesu ba kursu ne'e.

Kursu ida-ne'e GRATIS, maibé Ita sei presiza investe Ita-nia tempu minutu 30 loroloron hodi estuda no hala'o atividade sira ne'ebé ha'u fahe ho Ita.

Ita presiza de'it kadernu no lapiseira, telemóvel (Android ka iPhone) ho microfone/kamara .... no pulsa ruma.

Semana ida dala ida Ita sei hasoru malu liuhusi Video Chat hodi halo konversa simples iha lian-Inglés.

Númeru estudante ne'ebé bele asesu ba kursu ne'e limitadu, nune'e rejista lalais. :-) BENVINDU mai ha'u-nia Kursu Lian-Inglés! :-)



A WOI.jpg

"A Woman of Independence"

ISBN: 9781742624020
Format: eBook
Pub Date: 10/11/2007
Category: Biography & True Stories / Biography: general
Imprint: Macmillan Australia
Price: $16.99

"Alias Ruby Blade"


Feature Documentary Film (2012)

Using astonishing footage of the years-long resistance, director Alex Meillier presents a highly personal account of the courage needed to create a new democracy in modern times.

You can buy "Alias Ruby Blade" on Google Play Movies, YouTube as download or rent it on Google Play Movies, YouTube online.

About Me
I was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1966. As a student of the Italian and Indonesian languages at Melbourne University in the 1980's I became aware of the plight of the people of a small half-island called East Timor. A colony of Portugal for 500 years, East Timor or "Timor-Leste" was invaded by its huge neighbour, Indonesia, in 1975. It's a long story, but like many Australians and other citizens of the world, it made me angry and sad to learn that my own government aided and abetted that invasion in order to gain the upper hand in negotiating access to oil and gas reserves in the Timor Sea, just north of Australia. At the cost of a quarter of a million Timorese lives. I decided to do something about it. And I still am today. 

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