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Reflesaun kona-ba Timor-Leste nia Lian Sira


Kirsty Sword Gusmão, Marsu 2020

Lian Tetun lian importante tebes iha nasaun Timor-Leste. Maski ema balun, liuliu povu sira ne’ebé hela iha area remotu sira, la hatene ko’alia Tetun, maioria povu Timor Lorosa’e uza lian Tetun iha sira-nia moris loroloron hodi komunika ba malu. Entre tinan 2010 no tinan 2015, persentajen husi populasaun Timor-Leste ho idade tinan 5 ba leten ne’ebé hatene ko’alia, lee no hakerek lian Tetun sai husi 53,4 to’o 62,5 porsentu (1). 

Lian Portugés fahe estatutu nu’udar “lian ofisiál” Timor-Leste nian ho lian Tetun. Maibé kompara ho lian Tetun, 30,8% de’it (1) husi total populasaun hatene ko’alia, lee no hakerek ho lian Portugés. Maski nune’e, númeru timor oan ne’ebé ko’alia Portugés no Inglés sai maka’as entre tinan 2010 no 2015 (Portugés: husi 23,6 ba 30,8 porsentu no Inglés: husi 11,5 ba 15,6 porsentu). 

Figura iha okos hatudu katak iha area rurál sira, lian Tetun (hamutuk ho lian lokál sira seluk hanesan Makassae, Mambae, Galolen nst) reprezenta lian importante liu ba povu. 

Bainhira ha’u estabelese Fundasaun Alola iha tinan 2001, pesoál Fundasaun kuaze hotu komunika ba malu liuhusi email no karta ho lian Indonéziu hanesan lian ne’ebé sira domina di’ak liu durante tempu okupasaun. Neneik-neneik sira hahú aprende atu fiar-an hodi hakerek karta internu no esternu ho lian Tetun, maski dala barak sira kahur liafuan barak husi “bahasa Indonesia” ka “língua portuguesa”, konforme sira hetan oportunidade atu estuda iha ne’ebé. 
Ohin iha tinan 2020 pesoál Fundasaun Alola no funsionáriu públiku lubun boot ida iha ona koñesimentu kle’an no abilidade hakerek dokumentu oioin, inklui testu tékniku iha lian Tetun. Maski sidadaun barak seidauk iha oportunidade atu aprende hakerek iha lian Tetun tuir padraun ortográfiku Institutu Nasionál Linguístiku (INL) nian, maioria timor oan ne’ebé edukadu hatene espresa sira-nia an iha surat tahan leten. Maibé tuir ha’u-nia haree, Estadu Timor-Leste iha dever konstitusionál (haree Artigo 13) atu investe maka’as liu tan ba iha dezenvolvimentu lian Tetun no lian lokál sira seluk, inklui fornese beibeik formasaun ba funsionáriu públiku, organizasaun sosiedade sivíl no jornalista sira. 
Aspetu negativu husi lian Tetun nia susesu nu’udar lian boot ne’ebé bele liga timor oan sira hotu ba malu maka tendénsia atu ema barak deside atu la uza ona sira-nia lian inan (hanesan Mambae, Makassai, Bekais nst). Iha kazu kaben-na’in barak mak la fahe lian-inan ida de’it. Nune’e bainhira sira iha ona oan, sira hili atu uza de’it lian Tetun tanba sira ta’uk uza lian barak sei halo sira nia oan konfuzaun boot. Neineik neineik Timor-Leste nia lian ki’ik sira komesa atu lakon tanba ema la uza ona. Ne’e lakon boot ba Timor-Leste nomós ba mundu tanba lian inan sira la’os deit meiu komunikasaun ida mamuk de’it. Sira mos nu’udar meiu ida ne’ebé lori valor no prátika kulturál sira ne’ebé hatutan hosi otas ida ba otas ida seluk, hosi bei-ala sira ba bei-oan sira. Bainhira lian ida lakon, maneira atu hatutan matenek lokál ne’ebé mai husi bei-ala sira mos lakon ho rezultadu negativu tebes ba ekolojía no kultura nasaun ida nian.  Kuandu ema ida mate maibé seidauk transfere matenek ida ne’e ba jerasaun foun, koñesimentu ida ne’e lakon ona, labele hetan fila fali.
To’o ohin loron, husi lian-inan maizumenus 6000 (rihun nen) ka 7000 (rihun hitu) ne’ebé eziste iha mundu tomak, iha ona lian-inan liu rihun ida resin ne’ebé besik ona atu lakon husi ita nia leet.
Ita hotu bele kontribui ba prezerva no proteje Timor-Leste nia patrimóniu kulturál importante ne’e, liuhosi kontinua ko’alia ita-nia lian inan sira iha moris loroloron, konta istória ho Ita-nia lian ba labarik ki’ik no joven sira, no mós partisipa iha konkursu hakerek ho lian nasionál sira ne’ebé dala ruma organiza husi Sala Leitura Xanana Gusmão no Timor Aid

(1)    – Timor-Leste Population and Housing Census 2015, General Directorate of Statistics


Ita-Boot bele iha asesu ba livru balu ho lian Tetun, Mambae no Makasae iha ne'e:


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Hey, if you are here because you would like to learn the Tetum language, you can take a face-to-face (Melbourne only) or online course with the wonderful Katrina Langford:
If you are based in Dili, sign up for a Tetum language course at Dili Institute of Technology. DIT runs courses in Tetun language from absolute beginners to advanced  in-country all year round:
A huge range of glossaries, dictionaries and course books by DIT are also available for download here:
You can also read on-line or purchase the e-book of Yohanes Manhitu’s “Tetum: A Language for Everyone”. It includes a handy English-Tetum dictionary (although you will have to purchase the e-book to get the full version), sample letters and useful phrases by subject area:

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A WOI.jpg

"A Woman of Independence"

ISBN: 9781742624020
Format: eBook
Pub Date: 10/11/2007
Category: Biography & True Stories / Biography: general
Imprint: Macmillan Australia
Price: $16.99

"Alias Ruby Blade"


Feature Documentary Film (2012)

Using astonishing footage of the years-long resistance, director Alex Meillier presents a highly personal account of the courage needed to create a new democracy in modern times.

You can buy "Alias Ruby Blade" on Google Play Movies, YouTube as download or rent it on Google Play Movies, YouTube online.

About Me
I was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1966. As a student of the Italian and Indonesian languages at Melbourne University in the 1980's I became aware of the plight of the people of a small half-island called East Timor. A colony of Portugal for 500 years, East Timor or "Timor-Leste" was invaded by its huge neighbour, Indonesia, in 1975. It's a long story, but like many Australians and other citizens of the world, it made me angry and sad to learn that my own government aided and abetted that invasion in order to gain the upper hand in negotiating access to oil and gas reserves in the Timor Sea, just north of Australia. At the cost of a quarter of a million Timorese lives. I decided to do something about it. And I still am today. 

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